Digital Imaging

Barcelona Inspired Print Making
January 2012

In January, with college I went on a trip to Barcelona. From the trip we had to use the information/photographs we gathered to create a PrintMaking project, with the subject of our choice. My highlight from Barcelona was Gaudi, I didn't have much knowledge into the artist before the trip so I was intrigued about the trips we had plans to visit his architecture. We visited the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi Apartments and Parc Guell. My experience of Gaudi Architecture really stood out to me, the colours, designs and the religious aspects of his work are unbelievable. This gave me a great starting point to my following project as I could create something using first hand experience of something i really enjoyed. I began looking through photographs I took of the 3 places we visited. 

The Process...
After time I settled with using the Sagrada Familia as the base to my project. I created a Collagraph plate from a painting I made whilst on the Barcelona trip. Using a photocopy of the painting I began to build texture onto the photocopy plate using different medias such as texture paste and carborundum grit. I then inked the plate up using oil based ink and worked it into the plate and printed using the printing press.

I am really happy with the results of my prints, the texture worked really well to create gorgeous lines on the prints which held the ink really well to create nice compositions and mixtures of colours. 

The Next Stage
November 2012.
In my Digital Imaging lesson which I am currently working on I edited my prints using an Apple Mac and Photoshop. I scanned my original prints into the Apple Macs at college. I then used photoshop to manipulate them, using the brightness/contrast tool and adjusting the colour balance. Just playing around until I created a digital piece which I liked.